Frequently used shortcuts in Cinema 4D:
Shortcuts just make life easier. Why go through the trouble of several buttons manually when you click one and be done with it? This tutorial will be the very basics. The Shortcuts in Cinema 4D. These are the ones most frequently used. Try to learn them and use them. It'll make things a lot easier and will make you look more professional.
R = Rotation. Simple as it is, rotate your item.
E = Move. Also simply as it says, move the item.
T = Resize. Pretty basic thing to use when modelling things like furniture.
C = Editable. This one is more vague without proper explanation, yet fairly easy in hindsight. To edit an object, it has to be editable. Editing it means that you can move parts of the object independently.
I = Inner Extrude. A useful tool to create an inside (or outside) to certain things.
D = Extrude. The regular one. This is mostly used if you want one specific polygon to stretch out, without stretching others.
K = Knife. Basically it's what a knife does. It splits things. And in this case, edges. Quite useful
X, Y, Z = the Axis. If you want to move the object precise over just one axis, this is the best way.
L = Enable Axis. This might not seem that useful, but it would surprise you. It simply allows you to move the axis around. Which can be useful for aligning things.
U, N, M = This function shows several shortcuts in the program. It can be quite useful if you are searching for a specific tool or function.
That's all Cinema 4D Shortcuts you should know about! Note that some might be not available for all version, they keep changing that. Most will be the same throughout all version however.
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