Thursday 23 July 2015

Setup: Day Five

I've decided not to do Twitter for now. There's no need for it yet. I'll make it for sure, more for easy Q&A's. If it's not necessary at all, even better! Then I somehow do a good job at explaining stuff. Two days ago I made a Disclaimer page as well, it's on the right side. Just a necessary legal thing for copyright and whatnot. Always good to have. As for Tutorials, I've decided to do one or two tutorials per week, depending on which it is. They can take a long time to make and prepare, and I don't have all day to work either. If this is easy or hard to do, I might change it. As for the pictures I promised, I've decided not to just put them up. That's what my portfolio is for. Instead, if I post a render of something I made a long time ago, I'll make it again through a tutorial. I've been planning to improve my older work anyway, so might as well do a tutorial on it! That's all for now though~

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