Dark cave

With Volumetric Lighting, invisible boundaries and use of the Copy tool one can make interesting scenes.

Crystal Room

Simply lighting effects, the right textures and the right camera position can bring out a simple room very nicely.

Stained glass

Stained glass in the light of a sun can give cool patterns. A nice experiment.


By experimenting with certain settings, one can quickly transform a sphere into a flower.

Decorated wall

Decorations are common and surprisingly quick to make. Tehy really bring a good atmosphere.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Tutorial: Chess - Part 1: Board

For some time now I've been meaning to make a chessboard in Cinema. So I'm using these tutorials as an excuse to actually make one. The board will be easy to create, hard to texture. The Pieces will be harder to make but easy to texture. So let's get in it. It'll be a long post due to the textures, but that's not a big deal I hope.
1 - place a Cube as start. This'll become our board.
2 - Change the numbers as set on the picture. 500 for the X and Z axis, 25 for the Y axis. This gives us the field we want for the board. Putting on the Fillet is an asthetic thing, you don't have to do it but I do like to have it. It gives the board a nice, smoother feel. I've set it to 2,5. Put the X and Z segments to 10, which gives us space for later to work with.
3 - Make it Editable (C), grab the Extrude tool (D) and then select the top plate of the board. We're going to make it fancy after all. Select the inside squares only.
4 - I've put the offset to 2,5cm. Not too much, just a little edge.
5 - We're already off to textures now! Double click the Materials bar to create a Texture orb. I've already created three. You can create these orbs by double-clicking in the material bar.
6 - I usually prefer to make my own textures, so I'll be going with an onyx and a white Onyx colour.
7 - Okay so the picture is several steps ahead. As you can see, I've painted the board brown and divided the checkered parts in white and onyx. The board and white parts are more for myself, which makes it easier to colour them. The easiest way to do this is by colouring the entire board brown from the start. Then pick every other square, like on a regular checker board and assign it to one of the two other textures. This way, you just need to apply it once instead of 48 times.
8 - So the Onyx texture is something I did not invent on my own. All I did was tweak it a little. I got the formula for it years ago. This'll be hard though. To start off, go to the Colour section, put the Mix mode on Multiply.
After that we'll make two Noise properties, which are under the "Shader" section. Then a Folder, which is just the "Folder" button. Still on the Folder, add another Noise and now a Distort as well, which is under "Effect". Change the properties as the picture.
Moving on to Diffusion, a bit easier here. Mix Strength goes to 30, Brightness at 100%. Then as texture, use a Noise. Like the one in the picture.
Reflection is the easiest. Colours change slightly with R 230, G 240 and B 255. Brightness at 30% and we will use a bump. The texture is a Fresnel for the smooth reflection we want and we do not change that at all Bump goes right back to the harder parts. Set it to 10% Strength and put in a Layer as Texture. Inside the layer we want a Clip, which is named as Clip Color under "Effects". As well as an additional Folder with a Distort and Noise again. I'll show these again in the picture below
For Specular I'll be needing a picture as well. It's an easy one again, but the visual aid does help more with this one. It is important to put the mode to Colored instead of Plastic. That does change the reflection a lot. In my eye, a lot more realistic.
So that is Onyx. Now we'll immediately go to the white version.
9 - The white Onyx is basically the same, so you could copy all of the above (Or simply copy the Texture ball). All we need to do is change a few of the noises in the Color department. Put every Noise at 100%, except the Noise Scale. Inside the first two Noises, simply change the black colour to a lighter one. That's all. Don't go fully white though, you'll still want it to have the onyx look on it.
10 - Now that we have the checkered plate, we just need wood! Or if you want, something else. I'll go with wood. I like Ebony, so I'm going with a darker kind of wood as well.
For the Ebony-like colour, go to the colour section first. The colour will be 200 in every RGB section, Mix Mode will be Multiply at a 75% strength.
Then, we'll need to make a Layer again. Add three Noise properties and a Folder with a Noise and Colorize inside. The Noise is under Shader, Colorize is under Effect. Set it up like in the picture. The browish colour I used is an R 130, G 100 and B 67. But you can play with this however you wish.
Diffusion has the "Affect Specular" ticked off, a normal Mix Mode and 40% strength. With a Noise texture.
Reflection goes easier. The colour stays the same. Brightness goes down to 2%, we throw in a Fresnel Texture with a Normal Mix Mode and 2% strength. I've also added a 10% blur to it. This as well as the Specular will make the wood look polished. While the Bump will make it look rough.
The Bump will have a 75% strength and again a Layer texture.Inside the Layer, there'll be 3 Noise Properties, set up as in the picture below.
The final one, Specular, is easy as well. The R and B value will be set to 250. I've put the mode to plastic this time, which will bring out the polished shine much better. Width goes to 55%, Height 20%, Falloff -10% and Inner Width 5%.
And there we go! Finished! You should now have a chessboard. I'll put my render settings down below, so you can see how mine are. But customize the settings to your preference and what your computer can handle! I've set the screen to the size I prefer, and most frequently use. Anti-Alias is on the Best setting for me, without any other changes. I've also added an Ambient Occulusion and Global Illumination, for the quality and light. No edits were made on those either.
I've set up a Camera, Softbox Light and a white background as well, to make it look better as a final product. I'll make tutorials on the Softbox and background in the future, which both are very useful in other projects. My Final Product looks like this:
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If there are any questions, feel free to comment.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Tutorial: Shortcuts - Cinema 4D

Frequently used shortcuts in Cinema 4D: Shortcuts just make life easier. Why go through the trouble of several buttons manually when you click one and be done with it? This tutorial will be the very basics. The Shortcuts in Cinema 4D. These are the ones most frequently used. Try to learn them and use them. It'll make things a lot easier and will make you look more professional.
R = Rotation. Simple as it is, rotate your item.
E = Move. Also simply as it says, move the item.
T = Resize. Pretty basic thing to use when modelling things like furniture.
C = Editable. This one is more vague without proper explanation, yet fairly easy in hindsight. To edit an object, it has to be editable. Editing it means that you can move parts of the object independently.
I = Inner Extrude. A useful tool to create an inside (or outside) to certain things.
D = Extrude. The regular one. This is mostly used if you want one specific polygon to stretch out, without stretching others.
K = Knife. Basically it's what a knife does. It splits things. And in this case, edges. Quite useful
X, Y, Z = the Axis. If you want to move the object precise over just one axis, this is the best way.
L = Enable Axis. This might not seem that useful, but it would surprise you. It simply allows you to move the axis around. Which can be useful for aligning things.
U, N, M = This function shows several shortcuts in the program. It can be quite useful if you are searching for a specific tool or function.
That's all Cinema 4D Shortcuts you should know about! Note that some might be not available for all version, they keep changing that. Most will be the same throughout all version however.

Setup: Day Five

I've decided not to do Twitter for now. There's no need for it yet. I'll make it for sure, more for easy Q&A's. If it's not necessary at all, even better! Then I somehow do a good job at explaining stuff. Two days ago I made a Disclaimer page as well, it's on the right side. Just a necessary legal thing for copyright and whatnot. Always good to have. As for Tutorials, I've decided to do one or two tutorials per week, depending on which it is. They can take a long time to make and prepare, and I don't have all day to work either. If this is easy or hard to do, I might change it. As for the pictures I promised, I've decided not to just put them up. That's what my portfolio is for. Instead, if I post a render of something I made a long time ago, I'll make it again through a tutorial. I've been planning to improve my older work anyway, so might as well do a tutorial on it! That's all for now though~

Monday, 20 July 2015

Setup: Day Four

The beginning is pretty much in sight! I've set up a Facebook page and changed more things on the site directly, namely the slider. I placed my own renders in there, and will keep updating this with newer and better renders as, of course, I am learning more and more as well.

I believe all that's left to do is put up a disclaimer, as I do wish to protect what is mine obviously. Which is a tutorial I'm making as well, Watermarks.

I'm still thinking about making a Twitter. No I do not have one yet and I never had the intent to make one. I am only wondering if it might be easier or not to have one just in case.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Setup: Day Three

So for today I've created a FAQ, Tag Examples and Business mail. I'm thinking about doing a Twitter as well, for easy contact, but I'm not sure on that yet. I'm working on a Facebook page but since I do want it to look decent, I haven't set it up yet. The setup phase is nearly finished. I'll try to change the carousel tomorrow, gotta decide which I'd put in.

Once that's all done I'll prepare several tutorials. This might take a few days though. Tutorials do take time!

Friday, 17 July 2015

The post where I introduce myself

So the post where I introduce myself.

Long story short, I wont be going in full detail about my personal life. There's no reason for that. I'm Leon, 21 years of age at this moment. I'm a nerdy gamer type I suppose. Majored in Visual Designing, mainly aimed at 3D Modelling. Thus this blog.

I'm planning to make tutorials for everyone out there as I learned that those are simply the best way to learn the programs. By simply doing it. At the start those will be mostly in print-screens with texts (sorry) but I hope to find and buy a good screen recording program. At that point, I'll be adding a YouTube channel as well. Eventually, if there's question for it, I'll be doing requests and maybe even commissions.

As long as I can help people out, I'm happy with the blog. If anyone has any questions, feel free to get in contact or simply comment.

Setup: Day two

I'm getting the hang back for HTML coding. It's so messy. As of this post I've managed to link all my socials to the blog. Vimeo, Facebook, my Portfolio... I'll change the Facebook later to a personal page, which will be a lot easier to maintain. Probably will do that this weekend as well, but this'll work for the time being.

Right now I'm thinking "What else can I chance right now?" which is surprisingly hard to decide. Uploading a handful of pictures will be tricky as I do not have my external disk with me at the moment. And while in the setup phase, I don't want to make it messy by immediately posting basics tutorials. I think for now I'll be putting up an About Me post, just as a proper introduction.

And thus, day 2 continues and soon shall end.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Setup: First day.

So from this day this blog will be active. However, the first few days will mainly be setting things up, getting ready and introducing myself and the world to this blog. My initial plan is to make this blog a tutorial blog for 3D Modelling in Cinemal 4D and probably 3D Studio Max. At first the tutorials will be screenshot only, as I am still searching for a functioning recording program which does not cost all the ribs in my body.

Introduction about me, will follow soon!